

P R O D U C T   D E S C R I P T I O N

The VerifyItNow (VIN) Anti-Counterfeit and Verification System utilizes state-of-the-art technology to provide manufacturers and consumers with the ability to authenticate and manage VINtagged products. Manufacturers have several VINtag options to choose from based on the recommendations of our scientists working with your team and the standard identification technologies accessible in most mobile devices. The system implements a full range of tags including low cost VIN-QR codes, to high-performance tags, to ultra-high security EAL5+ certified NFC tags with military grade encryption. I was part of a small team that developed the product application from ground-up, end-to-end.



Lead UX/UI Designer. Visual Design. Graphic Design. Copywriting.



The purchase of fake and counterfeit goods is causing significant loss of revenue and credibility to brands around the world.  The purchases of fake items including car parts, electrical goods, cosmetics, and alcohol can expose consumers to serious health and life threatening risks.  Awareness of this problem has increased dramatically over the last decade and educated consumers are looking for assurance that the items they are purchasing are real.



An Anti-Counterfeit and Verification System that is mobile, customizable, and scalable with the added benefits of data capture and communication between brands and consumers. A product that can increase customer confidence and build brand loyalty.





As Lead UX Architect, I organized and scheduled interviews with Business Partners, Technical Project Managers, RFID Scientists, Brand Owners and Consumers in order to clearly understand the magnitude of counterfeit goods and their impact on purchasing decisions. It became clear that the digital product built to address consumer concerns would need to be fast and extremely easy to use with very few steps.




From the manufacturer perspective, the tag itself had to be as non-invasive to the product manufacturing process as possible and the app needed to add value in addition to the task it was originally being designed for. Also apparent was the need for point-of-sale marketing support to inform the consumer and to position the brand as an innovator with the customer’s best interest in mind.




Based on our Competitive Research and Interviews, we established a number of opportunities for VerifyItNow to become the industry standard, with our overall goal of developing a system that could provide the following solutions for Brands & Consumers via mobile device:



• Fast & Easy

• Real-Time Product Verification

• Secure

• Provides Digital Certificate of Authenticity



• Advanced Mobility

• Technology Agnostic

• Ultra-Responsive

• Cost-Effective

• Direct-Marketing Ready

• Fully Customizable

• Minimally Invasive to Product

• Provides Additional Product Details

• Creates a Digital Certificate of Authenticity


Once we identified and mapped an “average” manufacturer workflow, we proceeded to craft various additional workflows and the corresponding wireframes for different industries.  This would allow us to design a product that would incorporate all the key features required by the majority of industries, while allowing us to plan for scalability and evolution of the product.  We then proceeded to prototype and test the product in various applications and environments for usability and troubleshooting. As mentioned above, a strong brand identity, Website and point-of-sale was key to the product’s success and customer awareness.




In addition to my key responsibilities as Lead UX/UI Designer, I also played an important role in all aspects of the product design for every point-of-contact:


–  Product UX/UI Process Design
–  Product Icon Identity Design
–  Research, Analysis and Discovery
–  Design Iterations
–  Persona Development
–  User Journey Maps
–  Wireframes
–  Low and High Fidelity Mock-ups
–  Prototype Testing
–  Desktop Admin UI Design
–  3D Printing Production
–  Color and Element Guides
–  Universal Product Branding
–  Patent Design
–  Product Marketing Support & Demos
–  Multiple Product & Process Patents